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A Healthy Partnership? Time (or Lack Thereof) May Tell!


US SIGINT analysts returned to Hungary for an annual exchange with the Hungarian Military Intelligence Organization (MIO) that has expanded to a three day event. The 2006 conference focused on the Balkans and Ukraine.


Dec 15, 2006


May 29, 2019



Page 1 from A Healthy Partnership? Time (or Lack Thereof) May Tell!
DYNAMIC PAGE -- HIGHEST POSSIBLE CLASSIFICATION IS TOP SECRET // SI / TK // REL TO USA AUS CAN GBR NZL (U) A Healthy Partnership? Time (or Lack Thereof) May Tell! FROM: Country Desk Officer for Hungary (DP11) Run Date: 12/15/2006 (S//SI//REL) Conference with Hungarians focuses on the Balkans and Ukraine. (S//SI//REL) The 2006 Analytic Experts Exchange with the Hungarian SIGINT partner, the Military Intelligence Organization (MIO), took place this September amidst perfect fall weather in Budapest. What five years ago barely filled one day has evolved into an annual three-day event - we overran our time by several hours the last day of the conference trying to fit everything in! The partner pointed out this robust exchange as evidence of the growth in this partnership over the past several years. (U) The Buda Hills, seen from the top of Erzsebet Tower. (S//SI//REL) This year's conference focused on the Balkans and Ukraine, with formal briefings covering our traditional tactical targets of exchange, such as target army troop strength and reorganizations, and air and air defense activities. MIO also briefed on new topics, including securityrelated issues and its interests and capabilities in areas such as terrorism and smuggling. The meetings were very interactive, with considerable discussion and knowledge sharing among the analysts attending. (S//SI//REL) Our Hungarian partner hosted a private tour of the Hungarian Parliament. (S//SI//REL) The conference was preceded by a US-only discussion and coordination session, attended by personnel from NSA/CSS Texas, the European Military Commands, and NSA Headquarters. A US-only wrap-up session was added at the end of the conference to allow for conference feedback and consolidation of action items. Both sessions proved valuable to the US team. (U) US team enjoys an evening of dinner and folk dancing. (S//SI//REL) Initial feedback from both sides indicated that this year's Analytic Exchange was very useful and productive. Our team members left the conference not only with more information on their targets of responsibility, but also with a better knowledge of the partner's capabilities, and ideas on the potential for further development of this SIGINT relationship. (U//FOUO) This article is reprinted from the Foreign Affairs Digest , November edition. "(U//FOUO) SIDtoday articles may not be republished or reposted outside NSANet without the consent of S0121 (DL sid_comms)." DYNAMIC PAGE -- HIGHEST POSSIBLE CLASSIFICATION IS TOP SECRET // SI / TK // REL TO USA AUS CAN GBR NZL DERIVED FROM: NSA/CSSM 1-52, DATED 08 JAN 2007 DECLASSIFY ON: 20320108
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